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Black Churches Sell Their Souls For Floundering Democrats Like Joe Biden

No one can serve two masters, the Bible tells us, yet many black churches actively avoid practicing what they preach by welcoming floundering Democratic politicians into the sanctuary.

This campaign season, as President Biden and his party face a potential electoral beat-down, expect the most corrupt churches to transform into brothels — pimping out the holy pulpit to the politician of the moment to spread a campaign agenda instead of God’s word.

Just this month, Biden once again played Democrat “john,” paying handsomely to penetrate the ears of a black Christian congregation for political gain.

The president visited Mount Airy Church of God in Philadelphia, a predominantly black church, on July 7 as he tried to improve his faltering poll numbers amongst black voters a week after his humiliating debate failure.

These black churches are all too willing to politicize God in exchange for fleeting acknowledgment from the Democratic power structure.

And when Democrats are mired in scandal, dropping in the polls or trying to crawl back into office, predominantly black churches and black religious figures enthusiastically bless them and gravitate to their secular power.

A black Christian flock in The Bronx put itself up for sale in March, when disgraced former Gov. Andrew Cuomo needed an audience to climb back into political relevancy while leaving his own sins unquestioned.

Back in 1998, Rev. Jesse Jackson embraced then-president Bill Clinton after his sexual improprieties came to light: There is no limitation on the sin that can be washed away by a reverend with a political agenda.

Jackson went so far as to provide vague exonerations on Clinton’s behalf.

“He is embarrassed by whatever happened, however one defines inappropriate,” the reverend assured CNN.

My personal favorite is when Democrats develop a sudden southern twang when addressing a black church audience.

Summoning The Unholy Democratic Spirit is apparently enough to induce the most inauthentic vocal drawl to impress a compromised congregation.

This convenient spirit touched Hillary Clinton in 2008, when she proclaimed that she “Don’t feel no ways tired” as she unsuccessfully battled Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination.

It even transformed Bronx Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez into a Southern Baptist preacher when she spoke at Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network in 2019.

This month, as Biden’s polling results amongst black voters dwindled, his campaign brushed off the tired playbook and received the blessing of Bishop J. Louis Felton and Mount Airy’s church leadership.

Biden gave a standard campaign speech loaded with promises, saying that if re-elected, he would “ensure that the economy has the lowest black unemployment and more black small businesses in decades. To rebuild and ensure black America has the peace of mind that comes with health care for everybody.”

But Bishop Felton felt the need to explain the faltering president’s presence.

“We are firm believers in [the] separation of church and state. We are separated but we are not divorced,” Felton said.

“Since we are not divorced, we still have visitation rights. The president has a right to be here.”

What a double standard: While the bishop believes in keeping the church from involvement in the state’s activities, he’s perfectly fine with representatives of the state using the church for its secular bidding.

Bishop Felton can attempt to rationalize Biden’s supposed “visitation rights” to the pulpit — but Biden’s purpose was not to worship with the flock, but to use them as racial pawns in hopes of elevating his public perception among black American voters.

I expect a callous career politician like Joe Biden to use every advantage he can to reach the demographics he needs to win.

But he can’t use God’s house as a political platform unless Christian enablers allow him to.

One of my fundamental issues with many predominantly black churches is that they often seem to believe that being black is more important and relevant than being Christian.

And as they attempt to serve multiple masters, they become susceptible to a message that caters to the current moment in secular society.

In a contentious election year, that means corrupted churches welcome self-serving politicians to exploit their holiness.

The Democrats are repeat-customer “johns” who participate in the prostitution ring of black identity politics, enabled by self-anointed black leaders who use religious faith to pimp for votes.

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They put our sought-after black identity up for sale to the highest bidder, and their greed constantly usurps their discernment as they allow the invocation of God to sanctify racial and political dogma.

When a bishop stands in front of a congregation during Sunday worship and repeatedly uses the word “we” to demonstrate his allegiance to one political party, you know which master he’s chosen to sacrifice for.

You cannot serve both God and politics.

Adam B. Coleman is the author of “Black Victim to Black Victor” and founder of Wrong Speak


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