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YIKES!! Stephen A. Smith Says He’s Considering Running for President!

Tiffany Brockworth | 

Stephen A. Smith says that he would consider running for president in 2028 but with this one caveat.

“If the American people came to me and looked at me and said ‘Yo, man, we want you to run for office,’ and I had a legitimate shot to win the presidency of the United States, I’m not gonna lie, I’ll think about that But I gotta have my money. I’m not gonna go to the White House broke ” said the sports commentator.



He continued, “I’m not gonna do that. I gotta have my money. I gotta have my home. I gotta have my financial situation completely taken care of. I have no concerns if that happens for me. If they told me I had a legitimate, bonafide shot to win the presidency of the United States of America, I would entertain it.”

Smith slammed Donald Trump in the past but last month claimed that he regretted voting for Kamala Harris, adding that he only voted for her out of guilt.

Should he run for president?

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