WERE GONNA JUST LEAVE THE JOKES ALONE IN THIS POST, AS WE SHOULD. And instead share with you this amazing yet extremely informative well written article by An
RELAX! THESE ARE THE MANDATORY & NECESSARY CUTS THAT PRETTY MUCH All teams are making right about now, as to shave their roster down to The League Mandated
[textillate effect_in=’fadeInLeftBig’ type_in=’sequence’ effect_out=’hinge’ type_out=’shuffle’]Abe Finklestein The King Of Sports Humour.No Athlete Is Safe![/textillate] DEZ BRYANT LOVES HIM SOME BLING! AND WHY SHOULD’NT HE? After all he is
[textillate effect_in=’fadeInLeftBig’ type_in=’sequence’ effect_out=’hinge’ type_out=’shuffle’]Abe Finklestein The King Of Sports Humour.No Athlete Is Safe![/textillate] EVERYBODY WHO LIVES IN PHILA, OR IS A FAN OF THE PHILA EAGLES, Or