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The King of Sports HumourWell you know something?…”Brother?” Finally, we’ve learned what Embattled Former WWE Star and Pro Wrestling Icon Hulk Hogan was really thinking back in the day when he said “Brother”,if you think about it, he said Brother so smoothly it’s like he practiced saying it to avoid saying what he was really thinking. And in light of Current Affairs we can all probably guess what he was really thinking. But obviously back in the day the catch phrase ” let me tell you something n****r” wouldn’t have gone over as well as ” let me tell you something brother” obviously.

HulkHogan Racist Rant!

Terry Bollea, which is Hulk Hogan’s real name, apparently loves to say n***a and since black people say it to him, he believed he could say it back. Or maybe he tanned himself so much he looked in the mirror and saw Terrence “Trill” Bollea looking back and since he’s now brown skin he has the right to say n***a because he in his mind, is now black.

​Obviously, in the video above he’s saying Arnold Schwarzenegger but he emphasized n***er strongly at the end because it was so natural for him, “Brother”!

​Hogan talked about Python’s so much it now makes sense because he thought he was a “brotha.” He must’ve thought the Python was in his pants. Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura once stated that Hogan was a Snake but not a Python, more like a Garden Snake. So We see where Hogan’s anger is coming from.

​ If you think about it, you can see why he felt as though he could say it. If you YouTube or ask your Father about WrestleMania One. You can clearly see that it all started there inside the ring, -Peep game readers- On one side of the ring there was a Redneck, a Scott and a Polish man. On Hogans side there was Mr.T & Superfly Jimmy Snuka.(a Samoan) It was then that the future seed of “I can say n***a was planted”.

He looked across the ring and saw those evil white men and this along with the crowd cheering and two black men standing besides him & bam! Wah-la! Just like that, deep down in his bones, Hogan started thinking he was really a “brotha”.

It’s rumored that during the match he yelled to Mr. T, “N***a, tag my hand.” If u look back on the video you can see where Mr. T become confused. Mr. T didn’t say anything at the time because he still needed Hogan to appear on an A-Team episode to boost ratings for his show. Mr. T couldn’t be contacted about this issue because he’s probably high out of his mind And besides we don’t know Mr. T, his people, or anyone that could contact him for us.

​Here’s some of what Hogan allegedly was recorded saying:
​”She is making some real bad decisions now. My daughter Brooke jumped sides on me. I spent $2-3 million on her music career; I’ve done everything like a jackass for her. The one option Brooke had, Brooke’s career besides me, is [to] sell beach records.”

They claim Hogan was mad because a “Black Billionaire guy” had offered to fund her music career. They then quoted Hogan as saying, “I don’t know if Brooke was f*****g the black guy’s son. I mean, I don’t have double standards. I mean, I am a racist, to a point, f****g n***ers. But then when it comes to nice people and s**t, and whatever.” They claim he later said, “I mean, I’d rather if she was going to f**k some n***er, I’d rather have her marry an 8-foot-tall n***er worth a hundred million dollars! Like a basketball player! I guess we’re all a little racist. F*****g n***er.”

Since we’re a PG Rated Site we Apologize for The Harsh Words

Adayus Knight
Sports Humour

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