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The King of Sports Humour

( UNASSOCIATED PRESS ) CAITLYN JENNER HAS DONE IT AGAIN! YES THE PERSON Pictured above with President Obama has managed to win another award that countless people will feel wasn’t deserved, after pissing off droves of Sports Fans last week, by winning The Arthur Ashe Courage Award that clearly should’ve went to wounded Iraqi War Vet Noah Galloway.

Well President Obama heard those rumblings and decided to do something about it. And that something was to present Caitlyn with Another Award, but not just any award, he decided to dole out and bestow upon Courageous Cat The Prestigious Medal of Honor! Yes! The same Award that is usually given out to War Vets and High Ranking Military Personnel.


The King of Sports Humour
Speaking of military personnel some of them were there and they all wore a look of confusion on their face, President Obama gave a heartfelt tearful speech where he congratulated Caitlyn on how he respected her for her decision and that more people should come out and change their gender and he hopes that this will be the new trend so he can give out more of these awards.

But wait! There’s more, Obarry, we mean umm Obama went on to say that every American Household should take down the picture of Jesus that’s on their wall and replace it with Caitlyn! Every Father should teach his Son to wear a dress and Mothers should teach there Daughters to emulate Caitlyn’s Feminine Grace.

The King of Sports Humour
Noah Galloway, you know the guy who was Runner up To Caitlyn for The Arthur Ashe Courage Award last week, was asked to give a speech but the speech was quickly cut short because The Transgendered Community were angry that he was not wearing a dress. As Noah was briefly escorted away by security he was overheard mumbling ” this is what da hell I lost my arm and leg for?”

The King of Sports Humour
But when it came time for Caitlyn to give an acceptance speech everyone was so over come with Pride, Emotion & um… Courage. There was so much crying going on that Caitlyn broke down and had to be carried away. In the end they just played a tape of Mrs. Doubtfire and uh surprisingly nobody noticed the difference.

Sports Humour

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