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The King Of Sports Humour

YES! WE’VE OUTDONE OURSELVES! YES WE DID IT ! WE’VE FOUND BRUCE LEE! OR AT LEST SOMEONE WHO THINKS HE’S BRUCE LEE, You see, in our quest to be “The Best”, we traveled all the way to Afghanistan to get this Amazing Story! Actually we just Youtube’d it and found this Guy, but hey! It’s just sounds better when we say that we traveled to Afghanistan, so just bear with us.
The King Of Sports Humour

So here’s The Skinny: Yo see, there’s this Guy in Afghanistan who kinda thinks he’s Bruce Lee & he Kinda looks like Bruce Lee & ( this is the most important “and” of all “ands”) he kinda does Karate just like Bruce Lee! Henceforth The Headline ” Bruce Lee Lives”!

And it just goes to show you folks that We Couldn’t Make This Stuff Up If We a Tried! ( On a side note, yes we do! We make up stuff all the time, that’s what good  Sports Humour is all about, mixing real facts with a touch of unrealistic humor, but lately the world has gotten so crazy, we rarely have to do that anymore)

The King Of Sports Humour
And it’s all because of Interesting People like Abulfazl Abbas Shakoory, who calls himself ‘Bruce Hazara,’ he’s 20 yrs. old & you have to admit he kinda resembles Bruce Lee, which is why he calls himself the Bruce Lee of Afghanistan! But looking like Bruce is one thing, but this guy can jump around, swing nunchucks, kick, scream & throw Karate Chops just like Bruce. Checkout the two side by side.


He’s got the moves down packed and it’s kinda eerie how he effortlessly channels The Spirit of The Legendary Kung Fu Master. So we ask you The Reader, is this guy The Reincarnation of Bruce Lee? Did Bruce Lee decide to comeback as an Afghanistan as opposed to being Chinese? And honestly can this guy really win a fight in Afghanistan when the average person in Afghanistan will more than likely just grab a gun & shoot his azz?

The King Of Sports Humour
Anyways, take a look at The Video, decide for yourselves and tell us what you think. Personally here’s what we think, this guy looks, acts & does karate just like Bruce Lee & if Hollywood ever wanted to do a new Bruce Lee Movie That for some strange reason takes place in Afghanistan & we the audience are supposed. To magically believe that somehow Bruce Lee didn’t age in. 42 yrs and now has Tatoos.

The king of sports Humour
Then this guy is definitely your man! And you know why Ladies & Gentlemen? Because “Bruce Lee Lives”!………. He just now lives in Afghanistan.

sports Humour

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