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Black American Citizenship After DEI

“The Treaty of Citizenship: Reclaiming the Rights of American Freedmen”
© Ogbonna Paul Hagins for Philly Word Magazine and Freedmen’s Journal 2.0

Educating our people about citizenship law, institutions, and U.S. civics is critical because it equips us to enforce and reclaim the rights enshrined in the treaty for American Freedmen: the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Reconstruction Amendments.

These legal frameworks were specifically created to address the unique status of American Freedmen and secure justice for the progeny of the emancipated. Here’s why this education is essential:

1. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 Established Citizenship:
The Civil Rights Act of 1866 was the first law to grant American Freedmen citizenship. It declared the descendants of the emancipated as citizens, guaranteeing them equal protection under the law and the right to own property. This monumental act was a direct response to the badges, vestiges, and incidents of slavery, marking a significant step in securing fundamental rights for Freedmen.

2. The 14th Amendment Enforced and Secured These Rights:
While the Civil Rights Act of 1866 granted citizenship, the 14th Amendment was adopted to enforce and embed these rights into the Constitution. This ensured that the protections provided by the Act could not be overturned or ignored by state governments or future legislation. It gave the federal government the authority to hold states accountable, solidifying the Act’s principles as constitutional mandates.

3. Why Education About This Treaty Matters:
The Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the 14th Amendment form the cornerstone of a binding treaty for American Freedmen, created to address the enduring effects of slavery.

Understanding these laws empowers us to confront systemic injustices, from corporate greed to judicial corruption, and demand accountability from a government that has long failed to honor its obligations.

4. Reclaiming Our Power:
These legal frameworks are not relics—they are the legacy of our ancestors, hard-won through relentless struggle. Educating ourselves about them is not about working within a flawed system for its sake but about leveraging the tools designed to protect and uplift us.

The Reconstruction Amendments and the Civil Rights Act of 1866 provide the foundation for securing the economic and social repair promised to American Freedmen.

By recognizing that the Civil Rights Act of 1866 granted citizenship and the 14th Amendment enforced it, we can more effectively demand the fulfillment of these promises. This treaty is ours, and it is our duty to ensure its full power is realized for the benefit of current and future generations of American Freedmen.

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