His Name Is Fleece Johnson aka “The Booty Warrior” He Became Semi Famous when a documentary surfaced quoting him saying how he loved booty and that booty in
IT’S AN OLD PLAYED OUT SHEEPSKIN COAT. BUT TO COLIN KAEPERNACK, Kaepernip, Kappa, Kippa, Cappadonna, d**mit i cant say Kaepernick! Whatever! NFL Star & San Fran QB Colin
RYAN LOCHTE HAS TAKEN HIS STORYTELLING Ability To The Next Level! He’s now claiming that he was Assaulted & Robbed by Americas Most Beloved Cartoon Character, “Mickey Mouse”!
In Less Than 3 Minutes, The Olympic Commitee Gets Thrown Under The Bus! TNA Wrestling & Smashing Pumpkins Billy Corgan Get Literally Trashed! & Michael Phelps Gets Clowned!
There Are Several Undocumented Reports coming out of Tinsel Town stating that Floyd Mayweather turned down a 20 million $ offer to appear in The New Teenage Mutant
MICHAEL JORDAN IS SURE TO CATCH HEAT FOR Planning to release The A-R-Glock 27’s! A Controversial line of footwear aimed specifically at “The Black Lives Matter” Movement. Critics
WNBA PLAYER TAMIKA CATCHINGS STANDS Up For Black Lives Matter! Former NBA Great Dennis Rodman possibly bangs out in his car! Ezekiel Elliot gets accused of Domestic Violence
27 YR. OLD MAJEEN ABDULLAH AKBOR WAS ARRESTED AND CHARGED WITH The felonious act of releasing a deadly agent of noxious and natural gas. That is the gas